Tuesday, 18 June 2024 09:29


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in Poetry


by Pete Godfrey, with image above by Martin Gollan

Never have we seen one quite like this,
Empty of respect or feeling, King Disdain,
Terror his watchword, bombs his calling card,
Antipathy towards those of different faiths.
No god or devil could have dreamed him up
Yet here he is, a human wrecking-ball
Adamant Gaza’s made rubble, Palestinians too.
Hubris will fell him, stop his sorry project dead,
Unveil delusions there are lesser beings (I speak as a Jew). 

Read 139 times Last modified on Saturday, 22 June 2024 18:07
Pete Godfrey

Pete Godfrey is a writer and journalist based in the Hebrides. His first poetry collection, Grace Note, is published by Smokestack Books.

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