Steel Brotherhood
Saturday, 05 October 2024 17:35

Steel Brotherhood

Published in Poetry

Steel Brotherhood

by Fred Voss

47 years ago in the steel mill I remember
a steelworker picking up 2 steel shanks
and knocking them together
so they rang out in the steel dust air
until a second steelworker across the football-field-big steel mill building
picked up 2 steel shanks
and knocked them together in time with the first steelworker’s knocks
echoing between tin walls
rising to tin ceiling
penetrating through office walls
into the company president’s ears
a 3rd
a 5th a 20th a 30th steelworker putting down cutting torch or hand grinder or welding rod
to pick up 2 steel shanks and bang them together and join
the chorus
sending chills up the spines
of the supervisors
thus the union
once or twice a week
whenever that chorus of steelworkers broke out banging steel shanks together
in our bones and hearts
sang in a language of banged-together shanks universal
as clanging steel
and soaring spirit midnight shooting star
and charging lion turning earth and curling wave Woody Guthrie
date-picker campfire guitar string
and Beethoven heroic kettle drum boom
let that steel shank chorus
come again
let it rise up to the skies
and save
blue coral foot-wide amazon butterfly bright orange Bengal tiger growl
Paul Robeson fearless Joe Hill notes red-hot cutting torch sparks
green green Walt Whitman leaves of grass
and us men
banging together steel shanks until they ring out
in brotherhood.